First Generation 2 Systems Installed at the University of Copenhagen

The first Bluefors systems with a generation 2 Gas Handling Systems have been installed at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen. These XLDsl systems will be used by the Superconducting Quantum Information Devices Lab to support the group’s work developing state-of-the-art superconducting circuits and qubits to explore quantum information physics.
Supporting Research into Superconducting Circuits and Qubits
The Gas Handling System is a key component of the dilution refrigerator measurement system, managing helium gas circulation throughout the system.
Announced earlier this year at the APS March Meeting, Bluefors’ new Gas Handling System Generation 2 features advanced industrial solutions to improve the automation of our systems, introduce class-leading safety features, and further increase the reliability of our systems. It features an all-new Control Software, which provides unprecedented ease-of-use and enables next-level control over the system.
The new XLDsl systems installed at the Niels Bohr Institute were the first ones shipped to feature this next generation system. The new systems will be used in the Superconducting Quantum Information Devices Lab headed by Morten Kjaergaard, Associate Professor of Quantum Information Physics, and principal investigator.
When asked about why they chose Bluefors systems for their lab, Kjaergaard says: “The Bluefors systems are crucial for highly reliable, trusted and benchmarked cryogenic systems that are absolutely central for our ability to do state-of-the-art research within superconducting quantum information physics.”
Rapidly Advancing Field
Research in quantum information science and technology has advanced considerably in recent years, with the field advancing towards more complex quantum information systems.
“Quantum devices have reached a level of maturity where we can study both the physics of the device itself, but also the physics of the quantum information that can be stored in such devices. This era of quantum information physics has already brought with it an enormous amount of new insight from both academic and industrial researchers,” Morten Kjaergaard explains.
Copenhagen has become one of the key quantum ecosystems in the world. With a rich network of organizations supporting the development of the field, and key research institutions like the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen, the city is at the forefront of quantum technology.
“Bluefors and University of Copenhagen have an opportunity to work together to support the rapidly growing quantum ecosystem in and around Copenhagen, supported by a number of large governmental and foundation-based investments in quantum technology,” Kjaergaard continues. We are proud to have our first Gen. 2 systems in operation at University of Copenhagen and wish the Superconducting Quantum Information Devices Lab success with their experiments conducted using the new systems.