Our many Cryogenic Measurement System Options are designed to help optimize systems for different use cases and experimental needs. We offer options, for example, to improve turnaround time, extend cooling cycles, provide vibration isolation, and improve the shielding of experiments.
Please contact our Sales team if you require information about specific solutions not listed below.
Faster Turnaround Options
Cryogenic Measurement System Options
Frame Options
Cryogenic Measurement System Options
Shield Options
Cryogenic Measurement System Options
Gas Handling System Options
Cryogenic Measurement System Options

Industrial PC
The high-performance industrial PC offers fully independent and versatile operation of the Bluefors dilution refrigerator measurement system.

Instrument Cart
The Instrument Cart can house supplementary equipment such as temperature controllers, power supplies, and rack-mounted electronics.

Service Booster
The Service Booster is a dedicated turbomolecular pump for vacuum pumping, enabling more secure operations of the Bluefors system.

Redundant Main Circulation Unit
For added security, we offer a Redundant Main Circulation Unit to secure operation in atypical circumstances.
Other Options
Cryogenic Measurement System Options

Additional Sensors
Additional temperature sensors can be integrated into Bluefors cryostats for comprehensive diagnostics and measurements.

Additional 4K Flange
An additional 4K Flange can be used to dissipate large amounts of heat on XLDsl Systems after installing a third Pulse Tube Cryocooler.

Helium Battery
The Helium Battery enables experiments to run at mK temperatures for a limited time with the Pulse Tube Cryocooler turned off.

Long-Life Cold Trap
The Long-Life Cold Trap enables the continuous operation of Bluefors systems for up to three years, without the need for manual operation.

Optical Access Ports
Optical Access Ports provide line-of-sight access to the experimental space. The ports are equipped with window holders and blind disks.
See Also