Vibration-sensitive applications can be cryocooled in the 20-100K range with Cryomech Cold Helium Circulation Systems. The systems utilize Gifford-McMahon Cryocoolers for helium cooling, that are separated from the cooled application by Cold Helium Transfer Lines. This makes the systems reliable and ideal for vibration-sensitive applications.
We offer closed-loop systems which utilize a cold finger for sample mounting, and an open-loop system for pre-cooling low temperature superconducting magnets.
Product Highlights
Cold Helium Circulation Systems
Closed-Loop CHCS Systems
Cold Helium Circulation Systems
Open-Loop CHCS Systems
Cold Helium Circulation Systems
Custom Options
Scientific research often requires specialized equipment that has never been built before. We fully understand this, and are happy to build customized solutions for our customers and their unique applications.
Commonly provided customizations include:
- Conflat Flanges
- ISO Flanges
- Gas Feed Throughs
- Electrical Feed Throughs
- Recondensing Heat Exchangers
- Gas Pre-Cooling Tube