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Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System

The LD System is our most sold dilution refrigerator measurement system. Its versatility makes it suitable for many different experimental needs. Now available also in a side-loading configuration.

The LD System has the largest amount of available options and different magnet configurations that allow it to be customized for different experiments and uses.

The LD400 system typically provides more than 15 μW at 20 mK on the experimental flange with only 18 liters of helium-3. In addition, it has a high cooling power of ∼ 0.5 mW when operated at 100 mK.

There is now a new LD System configuration with side-loading ports. The LD400sl System includes 2 side-loading ports to enable the simple and convenient installation of our side-loading wiring.

This well-engineered dilution refrigerator measurement system has a clean and open design for installing measurement equipment. A single push of a button initiates a fully automated cooldown sequence from room to base temperature.

Product Highlights



Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System

Fully Automated Operation

Push-button, fully automated cooldown sequence from room to base temperature.

Enhanced Cooling

We have developed a solution to optimize the integration of pulse tube cryocoolers in our dilution refrigerators to increase their cooling performance. This redesigned integration results in a significant increase in cooling power at the 4K flange. The improved pulse tube cryocooler integration also makes it possible to operate the 4K flange at a higher temperature without affecting the dilution unit. Elevated 4K flange temperatures generate a significant increase in available cooling power.

Learn more about enhanced cooling

Extensive Capabilities for Experimental Wiring

The system features a variety of access ports for experimental wiring between the Room Temperature and the Mixing Chamber Flange. There are two different port configurations for the LD System, the classic ISO-K63 configuration for the LD250 and LD400 systems, and the new LD400sl with two side-loading ports.

The side-loading ports in the LD400sl also make it possible to install our High-Density Flex Wiring (FPC) and High-Density Wiring options in the LD. The side-loading feature is particularly beneficial for complex experiments with higher payloads, or quantum applications with a large number of qubits in a compact cryostat. There is also an increased number of heat switches to optimize and speed up the cooldown process of the loaded system.

Our side-loading measurement infrastructure options are also 100% compatible with our XLD systems, making the LD400sl the ultimate testing system with interchangeable wiring across LD and XLD systems. The side-loading feature makes it easy to assemble and maintain large wiring infrastructures. Assembly can be prepared on a workbench while the system is running, and immediately exchanged when the system reaches room temperature.

LD Dilution Refrigerator Mixing Chamber Flange

ISO-K63 Configuration

  • 2 x ISO-K63 slotted in all flanges
  • 5 x KF40 including central port

Side-loading Configuration

  • 2 x LOS side-loading ports slotted in all flanges
  • 4 x KF40 ports

Large Experimental Space

Mixing Chamber Flange Diameter: 294 mm | 11.42″

The off-center placement of the dilution unit maximizes useful space on all flanges. An open design permits easy experiment access without heat exchangers or the system support structure getting in the way.

Superior Performance

  • Base temperature below 10 mK
  • Fast cooldown: < 24 hours to 10 mK (measured on an empty system with standard experimental space and shield set).
  • Cooling power: >400 µW at 100 mK

See all technical specifications

Temperature Controller

The Bluefors Temperature Controller enhances the user experience of our cryogenic systems. With a modern and intuitive user interface, you gain direct control and overview of the system’s temperature status. 

The Bluefors Temperature Controller is fully integrated to all dilution refrigerator measurement systems. 

Read more about the Temperature Controller

Low Total Cost of Ownership

The oil-free pumps and compressors in the Gas Handling System guarantee minimal maintenance requirements with a service interval of up to 3 years. The systems contain only high-quality components such as Pfeiffer Vacuum pumps and pressure sensors, VAT vacuum valves and bellows.


Total System Care

Total System Care enables you to focus on your own work – doing research and measurements. The service ensures that systems operate at the best possible performance level and with maximal uptime, without users needing to spend time maintaining the systems themselves.

Technical Specifications



Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System

Note: Cooling power is measured from experimental flange outside the Mixing Chamber. Cooldown time to base temperature is measured from an empty system with standard experimental space and shield set.

LD400 / LD400slGuaranteedExpected
Base temperature 10 mK8 mK
Cooling power at 20 mK14 μW16 μW
Cooling power at 100 mK400 μW500 μW
Cooling power at 120 mK575 μW650 μW
MXC Flange Diameter294 mm
Cooldown time to base
24 h22 h

Base temperature 10 mK8 mK
Cooling power at 20 mK12 μW14 μW
Cooling power at 100 mK250 μW300 μW
Cooling power at 120 mK360 μW400 μW
MXC Flange Diameter294 mm
Cooldown time to base
24 h22 h

Pulse Tube Cryocooler Configurations



Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System

Cryomech Pulse Tube Cryocoolers with remote motors provide cryogenic cooling power to the dilution refrigerator measurement system without the need for liquid cryogens. The cooldown time of the system partly depends on the selected pulse tube power and the upgraded pulse tube models provide increased cooling power at the 4K Flange. See available cryocooler models in the table below.

Enhanced Cooling

We have developed a solution to optimize the integration of pulse tube cryocoolers in our dilution refrigerators to increase their cooling performance. This redesigned integration results in a significant increase in cooling power at the 4K flange. When systems with enhanced cooling are operated at 3 K, the available cooling power at the 4K flange doubles. With the enhanced PT310-RM, the LD400 now has 400 mW of available cooling power at the 4K flange at 3 K.

The improved pulse tube cryocooler integration also makes it possible to operate the 4K flange at a higher temperature without affecting the dilution unit. Elevated 4K flange temperatures generate a significant increase in available cooling power. The maximum operating temperature of the 4K flange now reaches 5 K with the LD400 System, where it can provide 1500 mW of available cooling power with the enhanced PT425-RM – tripling the amount of cooling power at maximum temperature. Learn more about enhanced cooling here.

The PT310-RM configuration also provides 20% increase in MXC Flange cooling power. Learn more here.

Pulse Tube Cryocooler ConfigurationLD250LD400LD400sl




Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System

Performance Graphs



Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System

1Start cooldown
6Normal circulation mode
5Stop mixture condensation
4Start mixture condensation
3Stop pulse pre-cooling
2Start pulse pre-cooling

Above are cooldown curves for three different configurations of LD systems measured with calibrated resistance thermometers.

  • System 1: basic LD with LN2 pre-cool
  • System 2: basic LD
  • System 3: LD with 100 mm extra sample space, Mixing Chamber shield, additional sample mounting plate, and large amount of DC and RF cabling.

The Pulse Pre-Cooling sequence is one of the key points in reducing the cooldown time (see spots 2 and 3). Because we do not use exchange gas, some parts of the dilution refrigerator unit stay ‘hot’ on cool down, which prevents condensation of the helium3 –helium-4 mixture. To cool down these hot spots effectively, the mixture is repeatedly admitted from the tanks to the Still side of the dilution refrigerator to operate as an exchange gas and then pumped out again.


Customer Care

We support our customers throughout the lifetime of their system, providing dedicated care to find solutions for any issues. Our technicians and engineers are ready to help you wherever you are located, with prompt service delivered either remotely or on-site.

Layout and Facility Requirements



Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System

Layout Overview

Bluefors LD System layout overview
1. Cryostat and its support frame, 2. Thermometry Unit, 3. Gas Handling System, 4. Pulse Tube Cryocooler compressor.

Each of our systems is designed to be installed to a specific location defined in advance. A separate layout drawing is made for each Bluefors system, which should always be referred to for exact dimensions.

Facility Requirements

The basic requirements are 3-phase electricity, cooling water, and compressed air. The full list of requirements and specification details can be found in the Pre-Installation Guide, please contact our sales team for a copy.

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