Hi-Mech Competence as a Success Factor

Finnish high quality micromechanics education gives boost to the growth and development of many hi-tech companies. “At Bluefors the demands for extreme precision and quality in very small components used in our cryostats requires long-term practice and focus from our technicians”, says CEO Rob Blaauwgeers. Bluefors dilution refrigeration equipment is used in the most demanding scientific experiments, such as quantum computing.
Currently Bluefors employs more than 30 people graduated from The Finnish School of Watchmaking (Kelloseppäkoulu), which has a long history and solid reputation also internationally as top-notch micromechanics education provider. “These graduates have such a good practical training from studies, that they can immediately start working productively and contribute to developing products and manufacturing processes. This is extremely important in a growth company, where you need agile results and constant progress. Bluefors is proud of the cooperation we have with the school.”
Representatives from different companies were reflecting on the significance of hi-mech education in Finland at Hi-Mech Competencies Future event on 14.3.2019.

In the picture Seppo Kallioniemi, CEO, Aseman Kello Oy (one of the most renowned fine watches store in Finland), Rob Blaauwgeers, CEO, Bluefors Oy, Milla Sihvonen, Production Manager, Hitachi Hi-Tech Analytical Science, Lauri Kurvonen, Chairman, Watchmaker’s Skills Foundation, Tiina Parikka, Director, Finnish School of Watchmaking.