The XLDHesl Measurement System is designed for demanding experiments conducted at 1 K or 0.5 K temperatures. The base temperatures depend on the helium isotopes used, with 1 K achieved using helium-4, and 0.5 K achieved with helium-3.
The measurement system features a large experimental space, and provides the same extensive wiring capabilities as the Bluefors XLDsl Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System it is based on.
There are two different models of the system: XLD400Hesl and XLD1000Hesl. The key difference between these systems is the Gas Handling System used.
Superconducting magnets can be easily integrated into the XLDHesl, and the system can be upgraded to a Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System at any later stage.
Product Highlights
Measurement System
Gas Handling System & Control Software Generation 2
Total System Care
Total System Care enables you to focus on your own work – doing research and measurements. The service ensures that systems operate at the best possible performance level and with maximal uptime, without users needing to spend time maintaining the systems themselves.

Technical Specifications
Measurement System
Measurement System
Customer Care
We support our customers throughout the lifetime of their system, providing dedicated care to find solutions for any issues. Our technicians and engineers are ready to help you wherever you are located, with prompt service delivered either remotely or on-site.

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Layout and Facility Requirements
Measurement System
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