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Bluefors Syracuse employees sitting around a table, inspecting documents.


Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is a cornerstone of our sustainability efforts, because, without people, we don’t have a business. Our focus is on improving and maintaining safe working conditions, promoting employee wellbeing, and fostering an open and collaborative culture that harnesses the full potential of our team. 


Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

We strive for a work environment that is inclusive, welcoming and safe. Diversity is a valuable asset for us: It brings insight, creativity, empathy, and innovation. Equality at Bluefors means ensuring equal opportunities for all employees. Equality sets the standard for expected conduct. Equality is emphasized through career growth opportunities, inclusive leadership, transparent evaluations, and fair resource distribution.

Employee Wellbeing 

We value our employees and prioritize their well-being, and continuously work to improve it. We invest in employee wellbeing initiatives and trainings to foster a supportive workplace culture. We aim to address and diminish negative well-being factors such as stress and overload, providing early support and assistance when needed. An important part of promoting wellbeing is promoting work-life balance and encouraging an open and collaborative culture.

Skills Development

An important aspect of supporting our employees is supporting their development. At Bluefors, we are dedicated to helping our employees grow and excel in their roles. By supporting skills and performance development, we ensure that our team remains adaptable, skilled, and ready to meet the challenges of the future.

Health & Safety

Ensuring Safe Working Conditions 

Ensuring safe working conditions is an integral part of our day-to-day management. We prioritize proactive measures and risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential hazards. By maintaining a culture of safety and continuous improvement, we create an environment where everyone can perform their tasks with confidence and peace of mind. 

Our ultimate goal is to have zero lost time incidents, and we continuously work towards achieving this target by for example providing safety training, doing safety walks, and performing work risk assessments. 

Progress in Health & Safety Practices

In 2023, we made significant progress in enhancing the health & safety practices within our organization. This includes, for example, defining and monitoring safety KPIs, and starting new safety walk and incident investigation practices. More than 2 500 hours of safety-related training was completed by employees. These efforts contributed to an increase in our safety maturity and preparedness for the ISO45001:2015 certification in 2024.

Compliance with Health and Safety Standards 

We are dedicated to complying with all applicable health and safety regulations and standards, both locally and internationally. Our commitment to health and safety extends to all aspects of our operations, from manufacturing to office environments. 

Our commitment to managing occupational health and safety is recognized by the ISO 45001:2015 Certification awarded to us and reinforced by our Integrated Management Policy (see below)


ISO 45001:2018 Certification

Bluefors’ dedication to the well-being of our employees and promoting health and safety culture has been recognized through the awarding of the ISO 45001:2018 Certification. This certification validates our adherence to internationally recognized Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management principles and demonstrates our commitment to improving employee health and safety. It was officially awarded on July 2, 2024. Bluefors received the certification from LRQA.


Integrated Management System Policy

Our commitment to managing quality, environmental impact, occupational health and safety, and information security is further reinforced by our Integrated Management System Policy. This policy identifies our overall intentions and direction as a company, providing a framework for achieving our goal of being the leading and preferred global cryogenics company.

Bluefors Syracuse President, Rich Dausman, looks over manufacturing expansion interior.

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