Cryomech Liquid Helium Management Products lead the helium conservation movement with the largest selection of laboratory-scale helium recovery and liquefier options on the market, with hundreds of successful installations worldwide.
Our off-the-shelf solutions are can easily be configured to meet your needs. Further customization is available, and our dedicated research and development team welcomes the opportunity to find new solutions to your recovery needs.
New Product
A New Helium Recovery Solution for Single NMR Units
Cryomech HeRL02-RM is our new Helium Reliquefier designed for helium recovery from a single NMR instrument. It’s specifically designed to meet the capacity of an NMR magnet and employs vibration mitigation techniques that do not interfere with NMR spectroscopy.

Helium Liquefaction
Liquid Helium Management Products
Helium Management
Liquid Helium Management Products
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