Next Generation of Cryogenics: Tailored for Quantum Technologies

- Cryogenic Measurement Systems
- Measurement Infrastructure
This webinar was presented in cooperation with Physics World by IOP where Dr. Tomi Elovaara introduced the at that time recent developments to support a modern and modular cryogenic measurement infrastructure. These included the XLD side-loader (XLDsl) and new High-Density Wiring solution.
Tomi will talk about the key enablers for the “second quantum revolution” with the focus on an integrated experimental platform for the control of the quantum degrees of freedom. He will also present Bluefors modular cryogenic infrastructure that enables developments in quantum computing, detector physics, astronomy, materials science and more. Tomi will explain the integrated platform for cryogenic measurements and shows the XLD side-loader system, which enables modularity for both multi-user systems and large experimental efforts.
The video does not include the Q&A session that will be mentioned during the webinar.
Please note that you need to register to watch this webinar with your email address!