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High-Density Wiring

Measurement Infrastructure

High-Density Wiring is a modular solution that enables a large scale-up of the experimental wiring, especially for high-frequency signals.

High-Density Wiring (HDW) is a modular option for Bluefors side-loading systems. In a high-density setup, each side-loading port can be equipped with up to 168 high-frequency lines. This totals up to 1008 lines per system with two pulse tubes.

The modularity and side-loading infrastructure of High-Density Wiring enables easy assembly and maintenance for large wiring infrastructures.

Product Highlights


High-Density Wiring

Measurement Infrastructure

High-Density Wiring Form Factor

The High-Density Wiring form factor allows thermalizing and easy connection of components into the system. Fully compatible with the XLDsl and LD400sl side-loading Dilution Refrigerator Measurement System models.

For Large Scale Experiments

Ideal for experiments requiring large numbers of high-frequency signals spanning from DC to 18 GHz. Each side-loading port can be equipped with up to 168 high-frequency lines.

Easy Assembly and Maintenance

The modularity of High-Density Wiring enables easy assembly and maintenance for large wiring infrastructures. The assembly preparation can be performed on a workbench while the system is running, and immediately exchanged when system reaches room temperature.

Measurement Infrastructure

The modular form factor can be fitted with custom components for multiple high-density channels, such as filters and attenuators. Bluefors works internally and with our suppliers to develop the cryogenic measurement infrastructure for large-scale wiring with the side-loading form factor.


Total System Care

Total System Care enables you to focus on your own work – doing research and measurements. The service ensures that systems operate at the best possible performance level and with maximal uptime, without users needing to spend time maintaining the systems themselves.

Technical Specifications


High-Density Wiring

Measurement Infrastructure

For high-frequency measurements, we offer a wide variety of semi-rigid coaxial lines, which are thermalized at each thermal stage in the system by a combination of attenuators and F/F bulkhead feedthroughs mounted in our RF Installation Set (depending on material, coaxial lines can also be without attenuation at each stage). The high frequency coax lines have two available connector types: SMA male and K/2.92 mm male with 18 GHz and 40 GHz maximum frequencies, respectively. Available cryo-attenuator values: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 20, and 30 dB (all 2 W).

The bulkheads provide mechanical support and thermalize the outer conductor of the coaxial lines. However, the PTFE dielectric prevents a good thermal contact to the inner conductor. Therefore, it is recommended to use attenuators directly screwed on the bulkheads to also thermalize the inner conductor.

At room temperature, High-Density Wiring is equipped with a hermetic interface for a total of 168 lines. This will always be included regardless of the amount of High-Density Wiring purchased to ensure full upgradability in the future. The hermetic feedthrough is split into 7 modules with 24 lines fitting into each module.

The available coaxial cable materials for High-Density Wiring are 0.86 mm SCuNi and NbTi. Coaxial cables have a bandwidth up to 18 GHz and they are arranged into rows of 12 where each row is equipped with a SMPM female multi-connector. The SMPM multi-connectors are arranged in a modular form factor for up to 14 rows per port. The high-density coaxial cables are sold as set of 24 cables with maximum of 7 sets per port.

Option 1: 0.86 mm SCuNi-CuNi
Characteristic impedance50 Ohm
Dielectric PTFE0.66 mm diameter
Center conductor CuNi (Ag-plated)0.20 mm diameter
Outer conductor CuNi 0.86 mm diameter
Attenuation (RT)3.0 dB/m @ 1.0 GHz, 9.5 dB/m @ 10.0 GHz
Attenuation (4K)1.5 dB/m @ 1.0 GHz, 4.6 dB/m @ 10.0 GHz
Thermal conductivity @ 4 K7.1E-5
Option 2: 0.86 mm NbTi-NbTi
Characteristic impedance50 Ohm
Dielectric PTFE0.66 mm diameter
Center conductor CuNi (Ag-plated)0.20 mm diameter
Outer conductor CuNi ~0.86 mm diameter
Attenuation (RT)9.0 dB/m @ 1.0 GHz, 30.5 dB/m @ 10.0 GHz
Attenuation (4K)< 0.5 dB from DC up to 20.0 GHz
Thermal conductivity @ 4 K4.63E-6

At each temperature stage of the system, an attenuator block can be mounted and mated to SMPM multi-connector cable assembly. Each attenuator block has two rows with 12 channels, and each row of channels can be selected to have one attenuation value (0 dB, 3 dB, 6 dB, 10 dB, or 20 dB). The wiring set ends at the Mixing Chamber stage to attenuator block with full-detent male SMPM connectors.


Customer Care

We support our customers throughout the lifetime of their system, providing dedicated care to find solutions for any issues. Our technicians and engineers are ready to help you wherever you are located, with prompt service delivered either remotely or on-site.

Side-loading RF Installation Set


High-Density Wiring

Measurement Infrastructure

The side-loading feature allows wiring to be assembled onto the installation set flanges away from the cryostat on a workbench. Consequently, the preparation of a wiring assembly or even a full experiment can be performed while the system is running.

When the system is warmed up to room temperature, the assembly can be immediately exchanged, greatly reducing the room temperature idle time. Preparing and exchanging the assembly is carried out using a dedicated installation tool. It provides mechanical stability and ensures the correct spacing of the flanges while mounting the assembly into the cryostat.

Technical Requirements


High-Density Wiring

Measurement Infrastructure


Free side-loading port available for installation.


Free side-loading port available for installation.

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