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IR Filters

Measurement Infrastructure

IR Filters protect sensitive quantum devices from high-energy photons that might cause unwanted heating or decoherence.

Infrared Filters (IR Filters) protect sensitive quantum devices that operate below 1 K from high-energy photons that can cause unwanted heating or decoherence. In addition, they improve the thermalization of the center conductor in a coaxial line. A common application of IR Filters is in superconducting qubit devices where infrared radiation is suspected to generate quasi-particle excitations that reduce the coherence time of the qubit.

Product Highlights


IR Filters

Measurement Infrastructure

Filtering Noise

IR Filters absorb and dissipate high-frequency noise above the measurement frequency band.

Boosting Measurement Fidelity

IR Filters enable high-fidelity measurements within the measurement frequency band.


Total System Care

Total System Care enables you to focus on your own work – doing research and measurements. The service ensures that systems operate at the best possible performance level and with maximal uptime, without users needing to spend time maintaining the systems themselves.

Low-loss Infrared Filter


IR Filters

Measurement Infrastructure

The Low-loss Infrared Filter blocks infrared radiation, while still enabling high signal fidelity within the passband of DC – 8 GHz, where it is optimized for high return loss and low insertion loss. The filter is designed with an attenuator footprint and can be directly installed between a flange feedthrough bulkhead and a coaxial cable. The Low-loss IR Filter has SMA jack (female) and SMA plug (male) connectors.

Technical Specifications

Low-loss Infrared Filter
Connector typeSMA (jack) – SMA (plug)
Dielectric fillIR absorber
Insertion loss DC – 8 GHz<1.3 dB
Return loss DC – 15 GHz>20 dB
Total length25.4 mm

S-Parameter Data

Typical microwave S-parameter data (transmission and reflection) of the Low-loss Infrared Filter.

High-loss Infrared Filter


IR Filters

Measurement Infrastructure

The High-loss Infrared Filter blocks infrared radiation, while still enabling high signal fidelity within the passband of DC – 1 GHz, where it is optimized for high return loss and low insertion loss. The filter is designed with an attenuator footprint and can be directly installed between a flange feedthrough bulkhead and a coaxial cable. The High-loss IR Filter has SMA jack (female) and SMA plug (male) connectors.

Technical Specifications

High-loss Infrared Filter
Connector typeSMA (jack) – SMA (plug)
Dielectric fillIR absorber
Insertion loss DC – 700 MHz<1.2 dB
Return loss DC – 10 GHz>10 dB
Total length27.7 mm

S-Parameter Data

Typical microwave S-parameter data (transmission and reflection) of the High-loss Infrared Filter.

Low-loss Bulkhead Infrared Filter


IR Filters

Measurement Infrastructure

The Low-loss Bulkhead Infrared Filter blocks infrared radiation, while still enabling high signal fidelity within the passband of DC – 6 GHz, where it is optimized for high return loss and low insertion loss. The Bulkhead IR Filter has SMA bulkhead jack (female) connectors that can be thermally anchored to the Bluefors RF Installation Set replacing the bulkhead connector or it can be used as an adapter between coaxial cables.

Technical Specifications

Low-loss Bulkhead Infrared Filter
Connector typeSMA (jack) – SMA (jack)
Dielectric fillIR absorber
Insertion loss DC – 6 GHz<1 dB
Return loss DC – 6 GHz>20 dB
Total length57.4 mm

S-Parameter Data

Typical microwave S-parameter data (transmission and reflection) of the Low-loss Bulkhead Infrared Filter.


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