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Helium Recovery Systems

Helium Management

Cryomech Helium Recovery Systems enable laboratories to manage their helium consumption and conservation, providing large-scale helium recovery.

Cryomech Helium Recovery Systems recover boil-off helium to Liquid Helium Plants and ensure the conservation of boil-off helium.

With a Cryomech Helium Recovery System, facilities with several cryostats with different boil-off rates can use one Liquid Helium Plant.

Large-scale helium recovery options are available.

Product Details


Helium Recovery Systems

Helium Management

The system cycles helium first to an Atmospheric Helium Recovery Bag, after which the helium is compressed using a Recovery Compressor, the moved to Storage Cylinders, and finally purified by the Automatic Purifier before being directed to the Liquid Helium Plant.

Atmospheric Helium Recovery Bag

The Recovery Bag is made of a durable vinyl-based polymer material. Laser positioning sensors automatically start the recovery compressor (described below) when the bag is full and stop the compressor when the bag is empty. Many users prefer Cryomech’s simple, effective design for atmospheric storage of helium gas in that it eliminates over-pressurizing their instruments, which may cause adverse effects including elevated LHe bath temperatures.

Recovery Compressor

The Medium-Pressure Recovery Compressor compresses the helium gas stored in the Recovery Bag at atmosphere to a pressure of up to 400 PSIG (27.58 bar), while our High-Pressure option reaches a pressure up to 2,400 PSIG (165.47 bar). Operation is fully automatic, and the hermetically sealed system design allows for zero helium loss. The recovery rate of the Medium-Pressure Recovery Compressor is ~8.5 SCFM (~20 liquid liters per hour) and the recovery rate of the High-Pressure Recovery Compressor is ~5.1 SCFM (~10 liquid liters per hour).

Storage Cylinders and Manifold

The compressed helium gas exiting the Recovery Compressor at pressures of either 400 PSIG (27.58 bar) or 2,400 PSIG (29.3 bar) enters the Storage Cylinders through a stainless steel manifold. A pressure regulator is attached to the outlet of the manifold to regulate the helium flow to the Helium Purifier. Each Medium-Pressure Storage Cylinder can store ~16 liquid liters of helium, while the High-Pressure Storage Cylinder can store ~11 liquid liters of helium.

Automatic Purifier

An Automatic Helium Purifier has been developed to sell alongside Cryomech liquid nitrogen-cooled purifiers. Unlike the liquid nitrogen-cooled purifiers that require weekly liquid nitrogen refills and monthly trap regeneration, the Automatic Purifier runs indefinitely without any user intervention. Trap cooling is provided by a Cryomech GM Cryocooler and all equipment necessary for regeneration of the trap is included in the purifier. A PLC with 5-inch touch screen automatically determines when the trap needs to be regenerated and efficiently carries out the regeneration process. Total downtime for regeneration is limited to less than eight hours. The Automatic Purifier is fully compatible with all existing Cryomech Liquid Helium Plants.


Custom Options

Scientific research often requires specialized equipment that has never been built before. We fully understand this, and are happy to build customized solutions for our customers and their unique applications.

Commonly provided customizations include:

  • Conflat Flanges
  • ISO Flanges
  • Gas Feed Throughs
  • Electrical Feed Throughs
  • Recondensing Heat Exchangers
  • Gas Pre-Cooling Tube

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